Section 9.8 Using CODAP
Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP 1 ) is free online software for learning statistics and data science. We will use CODAP to make sense of and explore some of the data in this module. Before you begin to use CODAP, you will need to watch a beginning tutorial video: CODAP Overview 2 . You will be able to do calculations in CODAP. To figure out how to do that, you may want to watch the following tutorial as well: Simple formulas 3 . After watching the video, make sure you can do all the tasks in this CODAP worksheet 4 .
CODAP allows you to make both visual and numeric comparisons between variables in a dataset. There are several interesting features in CODAP that can help you learn about data. One of these features is that all representations are linked, meaning that data points can be tracked within different representations. Another feature of CODAP is that you can save your work at benchmarks, meaning that you have a retrievable point in your work. Part of exploring data means making guesses and predictions about trends and patterns you expect to see.