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Section 9.1 Objectives

By the end of this module students will be able to:

  1. Construct ratios and percentages from raw data in multiple forms, including fractions and decimals, that will be used to interpret information related to school discipline.

  2. Judge the validity of claims related to school discipline using ratios and percentages.

  3. Explain the meaning of a probability statement and its connections to school discipline.

  4. Articulate if two related events are mutually exclusive and apply this skill to make judgments about the school-to-prison pipeline.

  5. Calculate the probability of an event not happening and apply this skill to make judgments about the school-to-prison pipeline.

  6. Calculate the sum of probabilities for multiple outcomes and apply this skill to make judgments about the school-to-prison pipeline.

  7. Calculate the probability of two or more independent events occurring using multiple methods, including a formula and a simulation, and use this skill to make judgments about the school-to-prison pipeline.

  8. Analyze and interpret data about school discipline provided in the form of raw numbers, tables, and graphs.