
Jordan Turner

1. How might we put emphasis on the importance of ethics within design?

2. How might we abstain from designs that will have a negative impact?

3. How might we inform others of the effects of our designs on society?

What we design, designs us. My project, #DesignMorality, is a noun and call to action. The world is exactly as we’ve designed it, from the buildings we work in, to the ads we see on our social media. As designers, from graphic design to fashion, we all have the power to influence others, which is a power we should use to help make the world a better place, and not for self-gain. My project is to design an oath, like the Hippocratic oath, for designers to try and incorporate it into their daily lives and careers. This oath is also a means for designers, as a whole, to receive a certification, as certain occupations in the design world require a certification while others do not. As part of my research, I planned and executed multiple questions for feedback, which I used to help me design and specify what aspects to include in this oath. I also worked alongside school clubs to spread the word to other students and question them about their thoughts.

Research and Results


#DesignMorality Oath