Mindful Consumption

Aika San Diego

How might we inspire, encourage, promote, and inform others about mindful consumption?

Mindful consumption is a practice, mindset, and attitude of being intentional when making a purchase. Mindful consumers are deliberate in how they shop and conscientious of how these things would affect their lives. This decision-making process will vary based on a person's respective needs and values.

This approach unifies elements of minimalist philosophies and sustainable lifestyles. Minimalists focus on only possessing what one needs and finds meaningful. Having less can result in less debt, clutter, stress, and distractions as well as more time, passion, and meaningful relationships. Those who practice sustainability strive to reduce waste, combat climate change, and/or protect animals and wildlife. Those who practice minimalism or sustainability are mindful of what they consume because they are aware of how items play a role in their life or to the environment.

Our current society in America normalizes mindless consumption. We would let our stuff control us, dictate our happiness, and tempt us into consuming more. There is pressure from marketers, influencers, and peers that what we have isn't enough or that we need to buy that "thing" to be fulfilled.

You don't have to follow this norm. You may realize that this "thing" does not provide value to your life and that is okay. But to others, it may provide immense value and that is also okay. There is no perfect way to be a mindful consumer. It is simply a way of being more aware of what is important to you.

AWAREHOUSE is an online resource that provides a guide to this mindful consumption mindset. This site will help you reflect on your needs, wants, and values, and how they can influence what you consume. Browse through the information on sample products and actions which may share new tips and insights. This guide utilizes flowcharts to break down the process into practical steps. By being a mindful consumer, you may be able to create a positive change in your life.
