My capstone project applies how NBA athletes use fashion to express themselves and to influence social change. Around this idea, I created an apparel collection called Be Safe Baltimore that helps raise awareness to gun violence in Baltimore. The impactful messages are displayed on shirts, hoodies, jerseys, and shoes which can be seen on the besafebmore Instagram account.
Be Safe Baltimore Apparel is driven by bringing awareness to the issue of gun violence especially in Baltimore, Maryland. BSB is an apparel collection that can be worn by all, but I am specifically targeting messages to the youth and young adults of Baltimore, as they are the future of this city. The goal of this collection is to encourage the youth of Baltimore that there is more out there than the streets and together we can make the City of Baltimore safe again.
Support your friends. Don’t invest in weapons.
Maryland native & NBA star Rudy Gay “spotted” in the WBAG long sleeve shirt.
Focus on bettering your life, not ruining someone else’s.
Female “spotted” wearing the pull the trigger on opportunity hoodie.
The fuel to this fire clothing line.
Baltimore superstar Quarter Back Lamar Jackson “spotted” wearing the MBSA hoodie.
Enough is ENOUGH.
We appreciate everything the Metro Crime Stoppers do but let’s make their job easier.
Mr.CrimeStopper himself Aquille Carr “spotted” playing in the Crime Stoppers jersey.
You’re not just wearing these clothes, you’re starting a movement.
Its time your clothes did the talking.
A pair of customized Nike Air Force Ones created to spread love & stop the violence.
There’s strength in numbers.
Tell a friend to tell a friend.
Getting out of a tough situation starts with dreaming of a better one.
You’re one step closeWindow()r to your dreams then you were yesterday.
A look at a pair of customized Jordan 6’s inspired by the metro crime stoppers.
Stay safe out there Baltimoreans.
Maryland basketball star Jalen Smith “spotted” wearing the BSB Tee.
Welcome to the city where we say, “be safe” instead of “goodbye”.
Maryland football running back Tayon Fleet-Davis “spotted” in the be safe tee.
Dont forget to say it.
Maryland basketball guard Taylor Mikesell “spotted” in the besafe tee.
When you see this, tell a loved one “I Love You”.