Welcome To Towson Unitarian Universalist Church

TUUC Ancestors Trail

TUUC once had a trail covering much of our main property called the Francis Petitjon Nature trail. Created by church founder and geologist Francis Petitjon and marked as part of an Eagle Scout Project, this trail highlighted some of the notable geologic and environmental features of the property. However, in 2014, as a start to a decades long invasive species removal and reforestation effort, this trail was closeWindow()d. In early 2023, the native trees that had been planted by the congregation as well as the land's native ecology were far enough along for a new trail to be planned. Scouts, as an Eagle Scout candidate project, built a 100 yard trail connecting the Memorial Garden and Wall to the Thoreau Meadow And Meditation Area. The Scouts used donated wood chips and natural materials found on the property. The trail is highlighted with a bridge over an ephemeral stream, areas for benches, and decorative boulders. This is the first section of a trail network that will encompass the entirety of our property. To honor all who have used, worked or lived and died on the property, the Board of Trustees have named this the TUUC Ancestors trail and plan to emplace a plaque to this effect in the Thoreau Meadow.

Memorial Garden

The TUUC Memorial Garden and Wall is where we recognize and remember those who have passed before us. The landscape, trees and water feature cultivates an air of tranquility for meditation, pastoral meetings, and celebrations of life. For a fee one can purchase a plaque with the name of a loved one can be to be emplaced on the Memorial Wall for eternal remembrance. With the help of a local BSA Troop the area has gone through expansion and improvements. There is now an outdoor altar for families to use for any celebration of life rituals. A grove of white pine just adjacent to the memorial wall has been cleared of underbrush for a larger area for cremains to be scattered. Additionally, the congregation celebrates our founding members and others who have shaped the congregation in a service held in the fall.

Thoreau Meadow And Meditation Area

Many years ago TUUC had difficulties with lack of parking and built an auxiliary parking lot on the hill above our main lot. After shifting from one to two services, this gravel lot was essentially abandoned and left to nature. In 2012, a within the congregation claimed this now meadow as a space to hold outdoor rituals celebrating the turning seasons and as a meditation space. A fire pit was dug, outdoor altars were emplaced and benches added. The congregation also uses this as a picnic area and for bonfires. In 2014 this area was dedicated as the Thoreau Meadow And Meditation Area. Moving forward, this area will be a keystone area of the TUUC Ancestors Trail. On an interesting side note, to honor the land's history, even as a parking lot, there are Matchbox cars buried under the altars.